IMAC VA 200/4 + VA 200/6

VA 200/4 + VA 200/6
العلامة التجارية
  • المواصفات
    تحويل المواصفات للمتري
    أقصى سمك
    أقصى سمك (المقياس
    6 gauge
    930 Kg e 950 Kg
  • نظرة عامة على المنتج

    Esenti da lubrificazione rendono la manutenzione quasi inesistente e sono dotate di:
    - Alta rigidità del gruppo tranciante garantita da due colonne laterali e da una guida centrale.
    - Tavolo di lavoro rigido e spazioso con aste millimetriche in ottone incise a triplice funzione per la misurazione delle varie tranciature.
    - Squadri dotati di fori di riferimento ogni 15°.
    - Bloccaggio dei settori porta lama che avviene tramite 8 cilindri ed un dispositivo di sicurezza che impedisce il movimento della macchina a lame sbloccate.
    - Regolatore elettronico della corsa con lettura digitale.
    - Aste millimetrate in ottone incise con triplice funzione garantiscono un rapido posizionamento del pezzo ed una lunga durata.
    - Cassetta raccolta sfridi.

    Built in lifetime lubrication, they do not need further maintenance requirements and they are equipped with:
    - An absolute rigidity of the notching group is provided by lateral columns and by a central guide.
    - A large and rigid working table with directional triple functions engraved brass scales for measuring the various types of notches.
    - Squaring guides equipped with reference holes every 15°.
    - Blade holder sector blocking through 8 cylinders and a safety device preventing the machine from any movement when the blades are released.
    - Electronic stroke regulator with digital reading.
    - Brass measuring scales with a triple function guarantee a quick set up of the piece and a long endurance.
    - Swarft collecting box.

  • عن الشركة

    Imac srl was born as a small artisan company exclusively dedicated to the working of mechanical parts of high precision. After some years, during which it improved its experience in the mechanical field, Imac srl in 1982 started to manufacture Notching and Bevelling machines for metal sheet working and in 1996 launched the first manual punching machine on the market. In 1998 the company provided the manual punching machine with the first improvements: a six tools multitool and a CNC.

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