Iroquois Ironworker, Inc

Iroquois Ironworker, Inc
Iroquois Ironworker, Inc
101 S. Quapaw St.
Iroquois, South Dakota
United States
Local Time There
Iroquois Ironworker, Inc
101 S. Quapaw St.
Iroquois, South Dakota
United States
Local Time There


Iroquois Ironworker, Inc., is located in Iroquois, SD, USA, approximately 100 miles northwest of Sioux Falls, SD. We built our first ironworker/press combo unit for our own use in 1996. This machine proved to be so useful and versatile that we patented the design in 2003, and began manufacturing a similar unit as our flagship, the SPP4075 Ironworker. At that time we also incorporated as Iroquois Ironworker, Inc. Shortly thereafter we added a line of H and C frame presses to our line, following that with a line of press brakes.