B.M. Macchine Utensili S.R.L

B.M. Macchine Utensili S.R.L
B.M. Macchine Utensili S.R.L
Via De Amicis, 146
Collegno (TO), Piemonte 10093
Local Time There
B.M. Macchine Utensili S.R.L
Via De Amicis, 146
Collegno (TO), Piemonte 10093
Local Time There


The company is born in 1960, operating in the field of the review of blots of it tools. in 1990 it opens the new center, with the purpose to commercialize the used machinery. strongly of the experience in the mechanical field, accumulated during the years, the b.m. s.r.l. important truth in the italian and foreign panorama becomes one very soon. today in the warehouse of 10.000 mq of collegno (to), you can find an immense range of blots some of every type.
the b.m. s.r.l. is in a position to:

to audit electrically and mechanically the machinery, to carry out complete retrofit electronic, to think next to the putting to norms with asserted certification of conformity and to follow the postsale.

you visit and you will discover an immense assortment to us in a position to satisfying your requirements.