Interested in reaching over 2,000 Controls & Automation around the world?
Displaying 7 Companies
Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
  • Controls & Automation
  • Software & CAD-CAM
Russian supplier of operator interfaces, industrial PCs, management systems, I/O systems, safety technology, motion control, network and fieldbus modules, software, process control, power supplies, and accessories.
  • Controls & Automation
  • Software & CAD-CAM
Russian supplier of operator interfaces, industrial PCs, management systems, I/O systems, safety technology, motion control, network and fieldbus modules, software, process control, power supplies, and accessories.
Moscow, Moscow City
Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Controls & Automation
  • Engineering Services
electric energy projects, relay protection and automation systems
  • Controls & Automation
  • Engineering Services
electric energy projects, relay protection and automation systems
Russian Federation
Sochi, Russian Federation
  • Controls & Automation
  • Custom Machine Builder
  • Engineering Services
  • Job Shop / Contract Manufacturer
  • Software & CAD-CAM
Russian Federation
Санкт-Петербург, Saint Petersburg City, Russian Federation
  • Controls & Automation
  • Engineering Services
  • New Machinery Distributor / Importer / Agent
  • Rebuilder & Retrofitter
  • Tooling & Accessories - Distributor
  • Tooling & Accessories - Manuf.
Инжиниринг; Поставки металлообрабатывающего оборудования, оснастки и инструмента; Сервис и обучение. Гибкий подход к клиенту; Высококвалифицированный персонал;
Инжиниринг; Поставки металлообрабатывающего оборудования, оснастки и инструмента; Сервис и обучение. Гибкий подход к клиенту; Высококвалифицированный персонал;
Санкт-Петербург, Saint Petersburg City
Russian Federation
Moscow City, Russian Federation
  • Controls & Automation
  • New Machinery Distributor / Importer / Agent
  • Parts & Components - Distributor
  • Rebuilder & Retrofitter
  • Service and Repair
Supplier of automation and welding robots, welding equipment, equipment for sheet metal and tube processing, cutting equipment, grinders, and industrial washing machines.
Supplier of automation and welding robots, welding equipment, equipment for sheet metal and tube processing, cutting equipment, grinders, and industrial washing machines.
Moscow City
Russian Federation
Sasovo, Ryazanskaya obl., Ryazan', Russian Federation
  • Controls & Automation
  • New Machinery Builder - Headquarters
  • Parts & Components - Manuf.
  • Rebuilder & Retrofitter
  • Service and Repair
Manufacturer and exporter of automatic lines, flexible manufacturing modules, machining centers, lathes and special purpose machines.
Manufacturer and exporter of automatic lines, flexible manufacturing modules, machining centers, lathes and special purpose machines.
Sasovo, Ryazanskaya obl., Ryazan'
Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
  • Consultant Agency
  • Controls & Automation
  • Equipment Trainer & Educator
  • New Machinery Distributor / Importer / Agent
  • Parts & Components - Distributor
  • Service and Repair
  • Tooling & Accessories - Distributor
Industrial machine tools and equipment supplier.
Industrial machine tools and equipment supplier.
Moscow, Moscow City
Russian Federation
Interested in reaching over 2,000 Controls & Automation around the world?