Simpson Technologies Corporation

Simpson Technologies Corporation
751 Shoreline Drive
Aurora, Illinois 60504-6194
그곳의 현지 시간
Simpson Technologies Corporation
751 Shoreline Drive
Aurora, Illinois 60504-6194
그곳의 현지 시간


In 1998 Beardsley & Piper was acquired by the Simpson Technologies Corporation to form the Simpson Group. Traditionally fierce competitors, these companies have now combined their significant resources in an effort to reestablish the rapid pace of technological innovation and change in the industry. The first expression of their new capabilities came in 1999 in the form of the largest version of the highly popular Speedmullor series. The new 150B has a batch capacity of 7,500 lbs. and can reach hourly capacities of 150 tons per hour. Combined with Simpson technology in sand cooling and controls, the new 150B has quickly secured a place as the leader in high capacity batch mulling throughout North America.