Baaki Nigeria Limited

Baaki Nigeria Limited
Baaki Nigeria Limited , Along Ojoo Road, Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria.
P.O.Box 12928, Dugbe Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria.
Ibadan 200001
Baaki Nigeria Limited
Baaki Nigeria Limited , Along Ojoo Road, Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria.
P.O.Box 12928, Dugbe Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria.
Ibadan 200001


our company is a well organised and with good reputation in nigeria, we are located in 10 states throughout nigeria, with good market supply, sales of automobile products and and general contractor, we buy goods, i mean importation from other countries, but most of them are now in nigeria, we buy goods from most of chinese people here in nigeria and we have never done bad to them. i as a particular person is the general manager for baaki nigeria limited. our company has been established since 1982 and has stabelised it's futures and purpose of establishment, to make good products available to the public and to transact business internationally without a fraudlant habit. we expect to get some european and asian countries here to transact business with, manufactures of automobile products such as, motocycle, forklifts,cars, and all motorables.
hope to receive mail from them soon. regards.
for: baaki nigeria limited.