诺克 DC-131

  • 规格
  • 产品概述

    Digital Vernier Caliper with Tolerance Setting
    Part No: DC-131A

    This kind of tools is designed for professional users. It can set tolerance. ROK Tools may look the same as bad quality products, but once you touch it, you will feel the difference. It is easy for customers from overseas to find cheap or bad quality products, but not easy to get professional one frome China.

    We ensure every A level caliper can pass the calibration and get the certificate. it is good substitute for Mitutoyo, Mahr.

    Who need such caliper?
    * Customers from lab who are in the scientific research,
    * Calibration lab to test other products.
    * Moudle Injection
    * Lathe manufacturing.
    * Car inspection
    * Aeroplan manufacturing

    What is the difference?
    *Highly polished surface
    *Smooth slide, feel great when you pull or push. Precision Fit Slide for Smooth and Accurate Sliding Action
    *3.5-4mm thick beam. Heavyweight, Rugged design
    *Harder stainless Steel
    *More Accuracy and more stable, It can give you the same answer when you measure many times for the same items.
    *Beautifully packaged in fitted box.

  • 关于公司

    诺克国际实业有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的专业化工量具,测试仪器合资公司。公司产品包括: ROK牌百分表,千分表,数显千分表,卡尺,焊缝规,千分尺,倾角仪,水平尺,内径表,高度尺,螺距规,等。通过引进高新技术和专业化人才队伍, 改进生产工艺流程等策略和方法,公司已经在国际量具行业享有一定的知名度。公司生产的量具已经通过多个国家实验室的检验,并在多个国家建立了销售网络。我们的目标是打造我们中国自己的专业量具,努力扭转量具行业被日本,德国,瑞士等欧美国家独占的局面。